After-Christmas Sale Set At The Emporium
Multi-Dealer Shop Also Holding Online-Only Auction On Jan. 27
January 14, 2022
Happy new year! So far this winter has been up and down in temperature. One week it was cold, the next week 10 degrees above average. Traditionally, January and February are the coldest months of the year in New Jersey. For all the antique and collectible shoppers who are starting to get cabin fever, the Historic Burlington Antiques and Art Emporium, for the month of January, will have a store-wide after-Christmas sale of 20 percent off items of $20 or more (when customers pay with cash or check) and five percent less with credit cards. Most dealers are participating. Exceptions to the sale are jewelry, coins, or items that are marked firm or final sale on tags. Also, mark calendars for an in-house online-only auction to be held Thursday, Jan. 27, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Shoppers can view the lots on or visit the Emporium at 424 High St., Burlington City, N.J. The Christmas courtyard light show will go dark in late January. Come, walk the courtyard, and let the lights put a warm feeling in your heart. The Emporium hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. six days a week (closed Monday), with extended hours on Thursday and Friday until 7 p.m. The Emporium is the place to visit during the cold days of winter. Set the GPS to 424 High St. Burlington City, N.J., or call 609-747-8333 for directions. Happy antiquing!