From The Farmhouse Christmas Show Set For Nov. 20
Thirty-Five Dealer Country Show To Be Held In Elkton, Md.
By Cecilia Taylor - November 12, 2021
The upcoming From the Farmhouse Antiques Show scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 20, in Elkton, Md., will mark the shows 10th anniversary. This country show takes place twice a year, in spring and fall. Promoter Cecilia Taylor is very excited the show is back after not being held last year. The hours will be 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and admission is $5. The Edward Walls Building at the Cecil County Fairgrounds will host the show. Signs will be posted. We have such a great variety of dealers from all over the East Coast who you dont often see set up nearby, said Taylor, who runs four semiannual shows in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. Holding eight shows a year keeps me busy, and I attend many other dealers shows as well as an exhibitor. I think since I started out as a dealer myself and remain a dealer, it helps me be more in touch with show protocols and dealer needs. This marks my 20th year in the antiques business. I just cant even believe it. Things have changed so dramatically with the advent of online buying and selling, yet people still love getting together and shopping in person. Antiques are tangible things. Each item (is) unique, and often they possess character (that) can be better experienced in person. I think that is one thing which draws people to love old, often utilitarian pieces, continued Taylor. I knew the love of country primitives ran high in the tri-state area, so I wanted to bring unique quality dealers together in Cecil County for a day of fellowship, fun, and of course selling. The show boasts 35 dealers who specialize in a variety of country primitives that make this show special. It is a nice Christmas gift shopping opportunity. My daddy used to joke that this was the stuff that families would often burn when he was a boy. He couldnt wrap his head around the idea of decorating with primitive. Taylors father passed away shortly before the Elkton show was started. I think he would be proud of me for getting good people together and hosting a fun show. He would have loved that even if he was still shaking his head over the concept of country primitive, furthered Taylor. To learn more, call Cecilia Taylor at 302-981-7250.