Leonardo DaVincis Head Of A Bear Sells
New Record Of $12,196,778 Achieved
August 20, 2021
Leonardo da Vincis Head of a Bear, offered as the leading lot in the titled Exceptional Sale held July 8 at Christies London, realised $12,196,778 (U.S.). The result sets a new world record for a drawing by the artist. The previous record for a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci offered at auction was the Horse and Rider, sold at Christies in 2001 for $11,481,865. This penetrating study of a bears head, one of less than eight surviving drawings by Leonardo DaVinci (1452-1519) still in private hands outside of the British Royal Collection and the Devonshire Collections at Chatsworth, and measuring 2.75-by-2.75 inches, is executed in silverpoint on a pale pink-beige prepared paper, a technique which Leonardo was taught by his master Andrea del Verrocchio. Stijn Alsteens, International Head of Department, Old Master Drawings, Christies, comments, Christies is greatly honoured to have brought this small but magnificent Old Master Drawing to the market in the Exceptional Sale this evening in London. I was always confident that the great quality and rarity of the work would attract bidding from around the world and would lead to an exceptional result. This wonderful example of Leonardos studies from life is well documented and widely published and will undoubtedly be one of the last drawings by Leonardo to ever come to the market. Image courtesy of Christies.