Mike Ivankovich Has Zoom Programs Booked In Six States And Growing
Virtual Appraisal Programs And Other Topics Offered
November 20, 2020
Mike Ivankovich, auctioneer, appraiser, home downsizing consultant, and host of Philadelphias Whats It Worth Radio Show, is now offering a wide variety of Zoom programs all across the U.S. With so many libraries still closed or offering limited services and with so many clubs, groups and organizations unable to meet in person due to the pandemic, Ivankovichs Zoom programs are an ideal way for groups to enjoy interesting and informative programs virtually. Ivankovichs most popular program is his Whats It Worth Appraisal Program, where each attendee has their treasures aappraised while remaining in the comfort and safety of their home. Just a few of the other Zoom programs offered include Your Children Dont Want It. What Can You Do?, 25 Items That Will Most Likely Disappoint You When Selling, and Going, Going Gone - Lets Have an Auction, which can be tailored to be either just for fun or as a fundraising event. Other programs focus on antiques and collectibles, moving and home downsizing, while still other programs are designed to provide just plain and simple fun. Ivankovich now has programs booked in Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and the beauty of Zoom is he can book programs anywhere in the country. Details can be found at www.MichaelivankovichMEETINGSPEAKER.com or by calling 215-264-4304.